Call of Duty®: Black Ops – Cold War „Voyage of Despair“ Easter Egg Guide


Main Quest
Side Quests
Difficulty: Medium
Time: approx. 120 Minutes

On the R.M.S. Titanic you’ll start on the forecastle with the task of finding and unlocking the Sentinel artifact, located on the stern of the ship. To get to the artifact, you’ll have to unlock various rooms. Then you need to activate the Pack-a-Punch, because it is important to solve this Easter Egg.

From the forecastle, go up the right staircase and pass the first wall of debris. Then you will find yourself on the bridge. Go left inside the ship and open the next door for 1000 points. When you go through this door, you will come to the “Upper Grand Staircase”. Take the stairs one floor down and open the next door for 1250 points to enter the 1st Class Lounge.

In the lounge you will find the next door that you can open to get to the “Promenade Port Deck”. The door costs 1500 points. If you move along the right edge of the port deck, you can climb up some debris to get to the aft decks.

Here you will find more debris that you can unlock for 1750 points. The next area is the “poop deck” and near the back, on a raised walkway, is a steering wheel that has the Sentinel artifact on it. When you get this artifact, you can unlock all the debris and doors with the red icon.

The first level of the Pack-a-Punch will also appear right under the steering wheel where the artifact once sat. Once you’ve activated the first Pack-a-Punch pedestal, it’s time to head to the lower levels of the ship.

The entrance to the lower levels is located directly under the Pack-a-Punch pedestal. Make your way through the Provisions area until you find the door that you can unlock for 2000 points.

This door opens the engine room, where you’ll have to swim to get to the second Pack-a-Punch pedestal. The lower level of the engine room is flooded and the pedestal is lit up by a glowing red triangle.

Once you’ve done that, head back to the forecastle, the first spawn point.

The red doors will now unlock, allowing you access to the “mail rooms”. There is a door here that you can unlock for 2000 points, which will take you to the cargo hold. The cargo hold is also flooded and the third Pack-a-Punch pedestal is underwater in the back area.

When you activate the third pedestal, the actual Pack-a-Punch machine will appear on the “Lower Grand Staircase”. Just go to the “Upper Grand Staircase” and go down four floors to find the Pack-a-Punch machine. It costs 5000 points to upgrade a weapon.


After you find the Guardian artifact and activate the Pack-a-Punch, the next thing you need to do is find the six clocks that are scattered all over the map. When you activate the Pack-a-Punch, four of these clocks have changed their time.

The default time for these clocks is 11:40. If the clock doesn’t show this time, it means that it has been changed. You will also notice that the Pack-a-Punch icons appear near the clocks whose time has been changed.

Check the following locations for the clocks and note which icon is nearby:

  • Post Office
    • The clock is located on the wall to the right of the door leading to the cargo hold.
    • The symbol is located under the stairs leading to the room with the vapr wall purchase.
  • Captain’s bridge
    • Just above the steering wheel you will find a clock.
    • The icon is located just behind the steering wheel, under a desk.
  • Grand staircase
    • The clock is located at the top of the stairs and is engraved on the wall.
    • While looking at the clock, turn right and go up the small staircase. Turn right again and you will find the symbol above a door.
  • Lounge of the 1st class
    • The clock is located directly above the fireplace in the center of the room.
    • To the left of the mystery box you will find the symbol on the right side of the wall.
  • Galley
    • The clock is located on the opposite wall with the hanging corpse
    • The symbol is on the cabinets, to the left of the clock.
  • 3rd class
    • At the bottom of the stairs coming from the turbine room, you will find the clock on the left wall of the stair base.
    • The symbol is behind the piece of luggage that is next to the bottom of the stairs.

On the bridge you will find 4 rotating dials, each with an elemental symbol on it. These symbols match the ones found on the clocks above. You must match each of these rotating dials to the correct clock and symbol found above. To change the clocks, the minute hand can be controlled by the dials on the captain’s bridge, while the dials in the engine room / poop deck change the hour hands.

When all dials match their symbols, they make a sound and lock into place.

After the dials are successfully engaged, four sockets will start glowing different elemental colors. You must kill an elemental catalyst of the same element next to the corresponding socket. For example, you have to kill the fire catalyst next to the red sparking socket.

When you kill the correct elemental catalyst near the matching outlet, a ritual symbol will appear on the floor where the catalyst was killed.

You can find the four exits in one of the following locations:

  • The first left state room
  • The 3rd class Bert staircase
  • Dining room
  • At the left column of the statue of Zeus
  • The top of the Grand Staircase
  • In a barricade at the window of the quarterdeck

Once the ritual symbol has appeared, place all of your teammates on the symbol so that it glows.

Each player must now hold down the interaction button and will be teleported into the trial, where you must defeat every zombie that arrives. When you successfully complete the trial, your screen will turn gray and you can pick up a fake guardian artifact. You’ll need to do this for all four different outlets. Once you have completed all four, you will be able to pick up the real Guardian artifact.

It is important to know that this part of the Easter Egg must be completed in the following order. Also, you need to be on the corresponding ritual item that died.

When you kill one of the mini-bosses, the giant fiery zombies with big axes/hammer, you will get a key that you can pick up. With this key, you can open one of the many mysterious crates that you can find in one of the following locations.

  • The galley
  • Provisions
  • Below the aft deck on the way to the engine room
  • In the corridor of the staterooms
  • Directly above the cargo hold

To unlock the octopus chest, you need to fill it three times, with the chest reappearing each time. After you fill the three different chests, a relic will appear. This relic will often lead you to the location of the Kraken.

Once you follow the path to the Kraken, a tentacle will drop the Kraken’s miracle weapon. Depending on whether the relic is a compass, it will appear on the boat deck or on the poop deck if it is a telescope.

To upgrade the octopus, you need to collect the following:

The Chamber: the chamber is located in the 1st Class Lounge. It is either on a table near the inner window or on another table in the inner corner of the lounge.
The Barrel: The barrel can be found in two different locations in the cargo hold. The first location is on the wall, just behind the fancy cart. The second location is behind the main staircase, on a large crate.
The Tube: The tube can be found in two different places in the galley. It can be on a brown shelf on the brick wall or on a table in the burning room.

Kill one of the elemental zombies you find on the map, because it will drop a special part.

Take this piece, along with the four other pieces mentioned above, to the crafting table located in the engine room. With this table you can upgrade the Kraken.

When you use the acid ammo with the Kraken, you have to go into the boiler room and shoot at each of the leaking pipes.

There are 9 different leaks in total, with a total of 7 blue pipes. Once all the pipes are shot, the fire will be extinguished.

After the fire is extinguished, you can put the real sentinel artifact into the PACK-A-PUNCH.

You can find and interact with each of the different planets below.

  • Mercury
    • You’ll find it in the mailroom under the forecastle. You will find the symbol as soon as you enter the room.
  • Venus
    • Found in the millionaire’s suite. You’ll find the constellation under the desk in the room with suitcases on the bed.
  • Moon
    • Found on one of the white doors near the lower grand staircase.
  • Mars
    • Found under the furnace in the boiler room.
  • Saturn
    • Found in one of the rooms on the bridge.
  • Jupiter
    • You can find it in the engine room, after climbing up the first staircase, near the cardboard box lying on the floor.
  • Neptune
    • On the outer aft decks you will find the constellation in one of the ring-shaped lifebuoys.
  • Uranus
    • You’ll find it behind a pot in the state room, which has a yellow basket in front of the door.
  • Sun
    • You’ll find the constellation in the Forecastle room on the deck in the center, if you face the two large steel beams so you can see the moon directly behind the beams.

It’s important to note that interacting with the next step will create an infinite zombie round that won’t stop until you successfully complete the step or not.

After you bag the guardian artifact, you need to go to the cargo hold. Here you need to interact with the solar system model. Once you have interacted with the solar system, the planets will start blinking in a certain order. Remember the order in which they flash, because you’ll have to shoot each of these planets in that exact order.

Prepare yourself with plenty of ammo and special weapons. When you are ready, shoot at the sun. Follow the blue sphere down to the spawn area. Have all the players interact with it at the same time. Your screen will now turn white and a timer will start.

Blocking the way are large blocks of ice, the life ray from the Staff of Ra or the upgraded kraken.

It’s also worth noting that Neptune doesn’t appear in the sky, but dives into the water and comes out again.

When you shoot each planet, a blue orb appears and travels to the place where the symbol from the previous step is located. This part of the Easter Egg is timed and you have 30 seconds to grab the orb, so be sure you are ready and can reach the orb in time. Repeat this for each planet, but don’t shoot the sun yet.

To reach the other end of the ship, the fastest way seems to be the right staircase, where you also have to destroy all the right ice blocks. Once you reach the other end of the ship, break the last ice block at the end of the poop deck, not far from where you got the guardian artifact.You will then be taken out of the final trial and notice that a red symbol has appeared on the floor. This symbol will teleport you to the final boss fight.

As with all end zombie boss fights, you should prepare by selecting perks, ammo and upgraded weapons, because you’ll definitely need them. The community has recommended that a Pack-a-Punched Rocket Launcher will come in handy during this boss fight. When you’re ready, have your team interact with the icon that will teleport you to the final boss fight.

  • STAGE 1
    • When you start the fight, you’ll surface underwater and have to swim to a nearby tree. Here you will find the artifact. Interact with it to be teleported back to the boat. On the boat, a huge iceberg and a huge blue eye will appear. Shoot the eye until you are teleported to the stairs behind it. In the first stage, the eye will not be damaged.Now you have to survive a complete slaughter of zombies, including catalysts, axemen and even Blightfathers. Once you survive the round, you will be teleported again to the next stage.
  • STAGE 2
    • In the engine room, you’ll have to survive another round of zombies. Do not attack the eye in this round, as you cannot damage it yet. Finish off the wave of zombies and you will be teleported to a new area.
  • STAGE 3
    • You now appear in the state rooms and can finally damage the big eye. However, the eye can now also damage and kill. You must not only damage the eye enough to complete the round, but also fend off more zombies.Note that you can only damage the eye when it uses its eye beam.Once you have damaged the eye enough, your screen will turn white and you will be teleported to the next stage.
  • STAGE 4
    Now that you have been teleported to the side of the ship, finish this stage the same way you did in stage three.
  • STAGE 5
    • You have now reached the fifth and final stage of the boss fight, and like the previous stages, the final stage doesn’t play out much differently. You have to kill the eye while fending off lots of zombies.If you get hit. If you get hit or can’t easily dodge the attack, the game ends. To dodge this attack, you need to do as much damage as possible while the eye is crying.Level three Staff of Ra is a great weapon for this boss, because with its Shining Beacon ability, you can stay in a safe zone that protects you from the attacks that kill you instantly.Once you’ve done enough damage, the final cutscene will play.

That’s it. Now you have completed the Easter Egg Voyage of Despair, Abandon Ship.